The Infection Control For All Now (ICAN) Safe Workforce, Safe Workplace Training Is Now Available
This self-paced basic training program is aimed at strengthening infection control and prevention competencies among Californians who work in the retail, hospitality and tourism industries.
An educated workforce knowledgeable about infection prevention and control is essential. Safe practices and procedures are key to helping stop the spread of infectious disease and for instilling consumer confidence in frequenting hotels, restaurants, retail businesses and attractions. By completing this training, you will be able to demonstrate to employers and customers your competency and commitment to a health and a safe workplace.
Safe Workforce, Safe Workplace: The ICAN Certified training module is free online for educators and industry professionals
- Free, self-paced two hour training program for non-health workers to educate employees on preventing the spread of disease.
- Built on CDC and CDPH content with industry input. Those who complete the course earn a Digital Badge and Certificate in one of seven areas: Customer Service, Culinary Service, Distribution Center (Warehouse), Engineering & Maintenance, Contracted Service, Retail Customer Service and Housekeeping.
- A collaboration of the Health Workforce Initiative and Retail, Hospitality, Tourism Initiative (Workforce Economic Development Division, California Community College Chancellor’s Office) Grant #20-156-001