We’re here to help guide students to R·H·T career opportunities statewide, while working to connect faculty to industry leaders across California. Whether sharing relevant industry information, supporting faculty development or just celebrating the exciting things happening on campuses and in classrooms, our team is committed to being a valued resource to our community college partners.
Beyond the community college system, hundreds of high school instructors are doing excellent work preparing students for culinary and hospitality careers. Our team is committed to driving stronger connections between high schools and community colleges, with the goal of alerting more students to the many career pathways in the R·H·T sector.
Please take a moment to reach out and join our Community of Practice. We look forward to connecting with you!

Safe Workforce, Safe Workplace: The ICAN Certified training module is now free online for educators and industry professionals
- Free, self-paced two-hour training program for non-health workers to educate employees on preventing the spread of disease.
- Built on CDC and CDPH content with industry input. Those who complete the course earn a Digital Badge and Certificate in one of five areas: Customer Service, Culinary Service, Engineering & Maintenance, Contracted Service and Housekeeping.
- A collaboration of the Health Workforce Initiative and Retail/Hospitality/Tourism Initiative, Workforce Economic Development Division, California Community College Chancellor’s Office
- Enroll here:
Recent Posts
- Regional Directors Engage High Schools Students With Video Highlighting R·H·T Career Pathways
- Program Update: Rouxbe partnership set to expand after first semester of virtual culinary classes
- Bridging the Gap: ICAN Safe Workforce Meeting Industry Needs
- Kyla Lam Finds Passion for Cooking at Santa Rosa Junior College
- New Training Provides Answers on Post-COVID19 Customer Service
Contact us to find out more.