Engage the Future with an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Did you know the number one skill deficiency in today’s workforce (as defined by Industry) is not strictly technical, but largely relational and behavioral? Technical skills are fairly easily transferred on the job, but people skills, critical decision-making and behavioral management capabilities are factors challenging management. While each is a critical component to effective operations, studies suggest organizations focused on employing individuals exhibiting higher level “employability” (soft) skills will quickly differentiate themselves among peers.

A simple Google search of “essential skills” yields a plethora of crucial aptitudes deemed necessary to succeed in the workplace. Near the top of competencies desired is positive workplace engagement. Engagement is shown to lead to higher productivity, customer satisfaction, retention and profitability. In spite of this, Gallup reported in 2019, 65% of any workforce is likely “disengaged”, even “actively disengaged”. Faced with this reality, how are managers going to positively impact engagement?

The Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute (ELI) believes fostering an “entrepreneurial mindset” organizationally is key. Entrepreneurship reaches beyond traditional business creation. Entrepreneurial thinking is undergirded by optimism for the possible. It ignites ambition and fosters creativity, critical thinking, self-reliance, persistence, resourcefulness and engagement essential for individuals and organizations to adapt and thrive in today’s rapidly changing world. Applied to students (our future workforce), ELI found engaged students “are 4.5 times more likely to be hopeful about the future than their actively disengaged peers”.

“The world has changed in ways that now require everyone to think like an entrepreneur” (ELI). In that light, efforts are underway to provide trainings encouraging entrepreneurial practices. Utilizing Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute’s Ice House – Entrepreneurial Mindset curriculum, train the trainer workshops are being developed for community college faculty and administrators aimed at developing training programming to benefit the business community. Similar contract trainings are available directly to private industry, agencies and municipalities. Reach out to Vince Roos, Regional Director for Employer Engagement to explore options.

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